Friday, August 29, 2008

a quick update on life.

Alright, I know it's like...SOOOOO late, but I'm so behind on posting about my life that I decided (executive decision style) that I need to at least say something about what's been going on!

So I have my puppy, Bean. We've covered that she's a HUGE part of my life - her potty training is going well, she's on her second week of recovery from her spay and her incision and stitches look just great. She's a puppy so she has so much energy it's amazing. All that energy is totally wasted right now though, as i don't dare take her on walks or let her play with the big dogs as long as she has her stitches in! She's a low rider, you know, and could easily rub her belly on something while say, jumping up a curb, and rub her incision or even pull her stitches. So I play with her a bit in the grass each time we go out, and for now that's ok. She's a lub.

For the last two weeks I've been house sitting/cat sitting/dog sitting for Teresa and her mom. A little extra money, but mostly it was so that I could love somewhere else for a while and just get the feel of apartment life. It's a really really really good feel. Sure makes me want one of my own! Chris, Teresa's beau, told me he has a friend looking for a roommate, and rent wouldn't be over 300. Vancouver proper. It sounds too good to be true and that maybe...but I'm willing to take the chance at least to meet him and get a sense of the situation.

Also I got hired. FOR SERIOUS! I'm working with Lifetouch, the school photo company. I'm a photographer. Yeah, it's actually a lot of fun. I thought it would be kind of like santa photos...just kind of poke a button, let the machine do it's thing, get yelled at by parents and kids etc. But it's a lot more hands on with the photography, and you get to actually pose the kids more and interact more. It's fantastic! And yeah, high paced and difficult kids and parents even sometimes, but I like an element of challenge to my work. My coworkers are, on the whole, amazing but no real potential "friends" as far as I've met so far. I'm really choosey about that afterall, and shy. Maybe more shy than choosey. I think I'd rather confide my whole life story to a stranger than let them see my bedroom or have a meal with me. People are so unpredictable, afterall.

Tomorrow I go in for a meeting for work, which I'm not looking forward to. Beaverton. Rush hour on the way back, without a doubt. But also submitting paperwork, and next week another paycheck...which will be good news of course. Any money is good money.

So for a while I wanted a Wii. Now I only a tiny bit do. Because...want is the root of pain, isn't it? Do I know nothing of Hinduism? Buddhism? Taoism? And even Christ asks us to consider the lilies of the field, the creatures of the air, etc. It would put me back financially, when I need to be saving for moving out and funding my dreams. I'm a squirrel in the fall, storing nuts everywhere to feed me through the winter. I don't need to piddle it away on toys. And I'm not great at the self-control thing or being responsible so that's a pretty big thing for me to recognize I think. Semi-mature of me.

I better go to sleep so I'm not wiped tomorrow at the meeting.

I'm really looking forward to Sunday...I'm going to see what the Protestants up the street are up to, and see if it doesn't feel the little hole in my heart that's been there since leaving Minnesota and coming to this religious desert! I know there is a place for me.

Artistically, I'm about to start a piece for miesha...a giant ear in charcoal. Technical drawing!!! OOoooh! THere's a huge and awesome challenge! I'm so looking forward to that too.

My health has been alright. Yesterday there was a fuzzy brain migraine and I've got this little cold clinging to me. But my PCOS and my IC are doing alright with only occasional flare ups of the IC if I don't drink enough water or cheat with the caffeine. Then I deserve it of course.

Overall...I'm really happy with life right now. Sunny spot! I'm glad for that. I have some friends going through some dark times and I'm glad I can be light for them!!

That's about it, night night!

- me