Thursday, January 7, 2010

Is this why I don't have a girlfriend?

Recent IM conversation I had, thanks to that most excellent of social networking sites, OKcupid! I did not initiate this, so I don't appologize for how things went.


CripsyTacos:have you named your iphone yet?

skeevy17:lol, actually no. Which to think of it is pretty surprising as i've named all my other electronics.

CripsyTacos:lol yeah. i was so in love with mine i named it isabelle

CripsyTacos:how long ago did you get it?

skeevy17:like two weeks ago I think? It feels like forever. We're very happy together. Made for eachother really. <3 <3 <3

CripsyTacos:lol yea i know that feeling i bedazzled mine. You must have a new version then. cheers to you!



CripsyTacos:yes, but i didnt get the right stones so now i have to take 'em off and restart. haha

CripsyTacos:Im not as motivated as I was when i started so now its just a mess

skeevy17:are you...are you a time traveller?


skeevy17:YOU ARE! You must be!

CripsyTacos:y do you say that?

skeevy17:in your home-time can you still watch Nirvana videos on MTV?

skeevy17:And get real plastic toys in your cereal?

skeevy17:how many scrunchies do you own?!

CripsyTacos:haha no. im just into art. when you get a fashion major and super glue together it can be pretty fun.

skeevy17:idk. I think bedazzling an iphone might be like putting glitter on a diamond. Isn't it blindingly beautiful enough?

CripsyTacos:All the things you just listed do sound like fun to me. I did like kurt, srcunciies are fune, and i love cracker-jacks!

CripsyTacos:i just did it to the case

skeevy17:is that like "i smoked but didn't inhale"?

CripsyTacos:not the phone itself.

CripsyTacos:do you knoe that they make cases for iphone as not to damage the phone.that case is pink. the phone is silver.


skeevy17:do you know that tacocat is a palindrome?

skeevy17:I do like tacos an awful lot. Well, actually I don't like tacos at all. I like burritos best. I don't like how tacos get all soggy. It's terrible. So I prefer burritos because they don't give me any false expectations

(at this point she stopped responding to me)


So I'm hoping to meet someone someday, who can tolerate me. (sigh) I can be kind of unbearable. But really, bedazzling an iphone?! And then asking me if I knew they made cases for them? Really?! And she totally lacked a sense of humor. She didn't play back at all. :( So the interwebs reach out, and then withdraw.

Girl of my dreams, if you're out there, you better stop wasting time. I'm looking for you, you could at least make the effort too!