Thursday, November 29, 2007

So....that sucks.

I had a heated discussion with my manager today. It's my day off (he gave me that) and I realized he had put me on the schedule for opening tomorrow, but I had scheduled a doctors appointment. Instead of assuming that I made the mistake (which DUH, it's almost always me, I should have realized that) I blamed him for changing the schedule. UGH I can't believe I was so bullheaded. I had managed to get another coworker to cover my morning shift and had notified him I was switching shifts with her. I just sent him a message appologizing and explaining that I got confused and said that it wouldn't happen again. Damn right it won't happen again. I hope I don't get fired over something as stupid as this. I like my job, and I just...I just forget things and I got confused and made the wrong call.

So yeah. That sucks.

1 comment:

d said...

It upsets me to when I see your forgetting behavior getting in the way of you living your life; and feel like you aren't taking this challenge as seriously as you should or dealing with it in the productive way that you might. I want you to be happy.