Tuesday, May 26, 2009

flock of dreams from night of 5/25

(female) I dreamt that I had some kind of control over solid matter, like telekenesis, only when I used my power and controlled the movement of a thing it would also make it briefly sentient, able to problem solve, and would become a kind of servant to me. I controlled a banister and made it bend in a different direction than it had been originally laying, and when I did it also wrapped itself around the midsection of a bad person to control them. I have no memory of the context – why I was on the staircase, why there were bad guys behind me, etc. However I remember that I did feel irritated and frustrated with life – like people didn’t appreciate me or my power and I was just leaving them al and better nobody get in my way.

(female) In another dream I was speaking with a girl from my sorority, she looked a bit like Kristin Wampach or Sierra Gale (popular girls in my middle and high schools) but as a member of her sorority she treated me as her equal. I came up with the idea of a fancy dress ball – period costumes only, (they would have to be tailor made for each individual guest, but we were embers of an elite sorority on an expensive college campus and that would not be an issue) and each guest would be encouraged to donate a sum of money to the sorority. We would have people who would maintain proper distance between guests, and classes beforehand to teach eager guests how to dance the dances that would be required. Sierra/Kristin seemed open to the idea, and we continued to debate it (and I continued to think about it). If I had a billion katrillion dollars I would wear beautiful, fancy, tailor made dresses everyday I think. For the novelty of it, and for vanity as well I’m sure. As we were preparing for the fancy dress party later we were moving a desk, and I was told that the kid from the Shining had left a small, patchwork square hanging from a metal pipe along the bottom of the desk. This patchwork square had been the real source of his finger-friend’s powers, his own powers, and he had always kept it in his fist when the finger guy was talking, or in his pocket. I didn’t want to look at the thing for fear I would then have his powers!

(male) In a separate dream I was in some form or another of “olden days,” and had been cared for by a strange, shy, balding thin man dressed in red at his inn by the wharf. I was explaining that I was a blood elf merman. He was explaining how such a thing seemed totally impossible to him, him being a man of science of some kind. I thanked him for his hospitality (I felt well and fit, although I had been unconscious when he had found me) and leapt into the water off the dock. When I surfaced I had a tail and fins on my arms, gills, and a sparkly red and black scaled pattern across the whole of my body. My former caretaker was flabbergasted and waved as I swam off. I dove down very deep and surfaced by a great cathedral (like notre dame) and then transformed back into my human form. I walked into the cathedral and transformed back after I leapt into their enormous baptismal font. This font is one of very few enterances into the hidden high-seat of the merpeople, of which I am a member of the court. Once I had descended to the very bottom of the aquifer another merperson, this one female, greeted me enthusiastically. I’d been away for some time, and was an important member of the court.

(male) In another dream I was driving a contraption that Chris had made, that was kind of like a dune buggy, but involved a laundry basket as the seat. I was chasing a woman who had a high speed flying machine that had no wings or obvious propulsion, it just looked like a long H, where she put her feet on one set of spokes and held on with her arms on the other. She fired a pistol directly at my head, and I took the shot, and my vehicle spun out. I had been going through some kind of transition into an insectoid/human hybrid, and so I came back to life and peeled off the outer layer of my face (the outer layer had turned black and the under layer was again, just normal looking human tissue). I told the angry bag girl that it felt good to get that layer off, it had made it difficult to breathe when I had it on. I laughed at her and we continued our pursuit. Throughout this dream I looked like the actor who played in Iron Man.

(female) I am Olivia Benson and Stable and I are on an investigation of a child-sized but not child-minded murderer. He has trapped us in a warehouse and planned our deaths, which for some reason we acquiesce to. I think the murderer threatened to kill our families if we didn’t kill ourselves. Stabler asks that instead of being drowned in a foamy mess (apparently this was our predestined fate) he be drowned in kerosene. We walked into a room and there were several bottles of foam (kind of like shaving foam!) shooting in arcs close together, maybe 10 or so. So I started my drowning, and got high in the process because the fumes of the foam were like that. Stabler pretended to go unconscious in the kerosene but he knew at a certain point that the murderer would stop watching and he would then help me to escape. So we did that, but I was still high (which is what he was trying to avoid – us BOTH being high would mean neither of us would be clearheaded enough to aid in escape) and we continued our pursuit of the bad guy!

Things influencing this dream:
I mentioned how much I think Olivia Benson is hot, just yesterday. I have been thinking about Victorian dresses and the Victorian era for the last couple days, and how much I would like a tailor-made dress. Blood Elves are in WOW. That's all I got.

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