Monday, October 29, 2007

I can't believe it

Those cookies I made? I left them on the counter to cool. Guess what.

Those two dogs ate an entire batch of cookies, that's 3 dozen medium sized cookies.

I hope they puke and feel totally miserable soon. They're in their kennels, I was tempted just to lock them outside after this. I'm so furious. I worked hard on those fucking cookies and I was looking forward to giving them to friends. I hate those stupid dogs. Today I fed, watered, walked, treated, and even bathed them, and they repay me by eating ALL my fucking cookies.

Tomorrow they're gettin the cold shoulder, that's all I have to say. No respect for authority at all. Especially that Sampson one.

I'm SOOOOO mad.

1 comment:

Mieshajo said...

I love you. ill make cookies with you when i get home