Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Holiday - Obama Day!

I post to celebrate the president elect, Obama, and to wave a (not so) sad farewell to that bastion of the old brigade, McCain.

Adieu, dear John...I shan't miss your lumpy, melty face, your watery eyes, or your frightening political promises, but I will certainly miss your role as dramatic foil to my bff Barak.

I've been afraid for America and sick of the political morass we've been stuck in since highschool. It didn't matter how often I voted, or how often I voiced concerns...Bush still became president and then he was reelected. I watched and listened as gay rights slipped and were undermined by countless bigoted policies. Shocked by the aggression and apparent idiocy of the president, I began to gave up hope in my country. How could the majority of the country have elected this man? The fear-mongering was understandably persuasive, especially following the attacks of 9-11. We needed to trust in someone...but I think we firmly ended up backing a bully. Bush was a good-old boy...I suppose people empathized with him, saw something of the guy down the street in him. The guy down the street who swore, and drank, and had all that trash on his front yard and brought down property values. And threw his garbage over the fence.

But as the primaries began and I began to research the candidates, I fell in love with Obama. I could only love him more if he were female. His policies. His charm. His candor and presidential demenor (even from the getgo) impressed me. I didn't know if he would be able to maintain that cool throughout the inevitably lengthy race to the white house, but I hoped; in part, because he hoped. And when he won the primaries, I did everything I could to not sink all of my hopes into his. I wanted him to win so badly. I began to look at living overseas, in part because I like the idea overall, but also in part to provide an escape route if McBush won.

Two days ago I had a dream that McCain won. It haunted me. I just want so much more from America.

And then, tonight. Tonight, when Obama won. He won. I'm still in shock. The first African-American president. A democrat to overturn the policies of Bush. A first family with two adorable little girls, and Michelle Obama, a force unto herself. It's so awesome.

Now I'm cautious, only in that it seems so good it can't be true. I hope he's got some awesome secret service agents watching everything, protecting him at every turn. Because charismatic leaders in this country have a very poor track record. Lincoln. MLK. JFK. Yeah, you see the common thread there. So I pray for Obama and for his safety - I want him to be able to live his dream, to make so many Americans' dreams a reality.

I don't know if he will keep his promises. I hope he does. I hope he turns out to be the person he appears he could be. And if he isn't...well, nothing can be as bad as Bush was. And that's a bit of sunshine to light my day.



d said...


Teresa said...

Obama FTW!!