Monday, July 6, 2009

my plan for tomorrow:

wake up. Not as difficult as it usually is, I assume, as i am incomprehensibly tired RIGHT NOW and it's not even 2 am. You may say, "but that is quite late indeed." And oh, perhaps you are right. But you have not been living my voodoo twilight zone sleep schedule the last week or so, and 2 am seems like 10 pm to me! It's a relief. I think my sleep trouble has been aided and abetted by the forces of dust in my room...i lay down on my bed, and immediately STUFF UP. All up in my nose parts. Very unpleasant.

Following waking up (a very important step!) I plan to get up, clean myself, eat a small food item, and then clean my room. I want to clean my room...I look at it right now, and i think, "I can do better." Indeed, I CAN. I am 150% sure this will happen. SO, that then.

THEN buy mums for mom. (85% sure)

THEN purchase ingredients for...


now, climb aboard my train of thought here. I was visiting a lovely site I daily enjoy, The Pioneer Woman, and was instantly enamored with her blackberry ice cream. It doesn't help that she takes such luscious pictures. The ice cream just cried out to me in the language of ice cream, challenging me to master it, and then perhaps consume it. I am 65% I will make this happen. Why so low a percentage?


It may be raining, and will at the least be drearily overcast. The last few days the weather has been icky warm. I'm not much one for the heat. At all. OH FIE! IF ONLY THIS ICE CREAM HAD CALLED TO ME EARLIER I COULD HAVE ENJOYED IT AND SCOFFED AT THE FURIOUS HOT SUN RAYS! But no. The ice cream has come to me now...and if it's just too cold and dreary, i might prefer a good blanket/book experience, or the company of my charcoals. But still...the ice cream. It has such a sweet siren song. And really, follow that link. JUST LOOK AT IT.

Here in the Ebacher house we have no fancy, machine-driven nonsense when it comes to our ice cream fabrications unit. All hand cranking. We WORK for our calories, and that's how we like it. Your arm is sore from all that cranking? You've been cranking for over an hour and a half now? Well good. Because your reward is nothing less than ice cream. Wouldn't electricity and laziness just take all the fun out of that? Don't argue with me. It would. So that's the workout I look forward to, if such plans come to fruition.

In other news I (with the assistance of my friend Brittany) cleaned the kitchen. Bleached the grout. Cleaned and organized glass, metal, tupperware and msc. cabinets. Tackled mountains of mugs. Scrubbed suspicious looking black spots. Rearranged kitchen magnets. Swept. Ultimately, I believe I was possessed by some deity of domestic order. It was hard work, but the satisfying result made my day.

Did I mention I baked blueberry muffins this morning, and made some seriously good oatmeal? I did that too.

IDK. I like this stuff.

- me


Teresa said...

I hear it should be about 90 degrees on saturday. :3

Mieshajo said...

Your such a fun writer. I love your words sissy :)

Good work today! Keep on pushiN!