Thursday, September 13, 2007

Maddie take me home

Yeah so.

When I hear or see the phrase "I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body" it makes me want to puke. Just...ugh. No. You're not. Becuase being a lesbian? Not often hilarious and witty and makes you interesting and popular and catchy. And hey, this trend with unrealistically hot women making out with eachother in front of a camera and calling that lesbianism? Fuck that. I don't look like that, and me making out with a girl, sure I think it's hot, but it's not FOR you, men. The media has made my sexuality something cheap and whorish, and I think of it as something sacred, so it sickens me. That's what that shirt is really about. Yeah. Fuck that.

Um, so here's my girl. The one I don't really know yet and if I were to build her from scratch, because that's totally possible:

- she is into me. Either quietly or enthusiastically, she's INTO me. She digs the wierd stuff (or at least tolerates it) she thinks I'm kinda funny and sweet and cute. She would like to kiss me. She can picture us going places and doing things together and being together.

- she has a smile that melts me

- she is ambitious and positive about herself and where she's going in life

- she can be jellous or not, as long as she is willing to have a life a little bit seperate from mine. She will give me occasional space...but I do like being talked to every day. XP

- she tells me stories about her life.

- she flirts with me

- she's not afraid to make the first move sometimes (or most of the time...or every time I
chicken out which is....most of the time)

- she has some quirks of her own

- I find her attractive (and there's a great variety of beauty which I find attractive, too!)

- she wants to settle down with a woman, (hopefully me someday) and maybe have kids but
definately have a life together

- she doesn't ignore her own health or that of the world around her

I think the rest could sort itself out. I think my list is realistic. OK, I'm ready for you to walk up to me on the street now and say Maddie take me home. Cause I will.

- me

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