Thursday, May 1, 2008

Oh! And last night's dream

last night's dream...before I have a new one tonight.

Since it's been a while I only remember fractured images, which completely fail to connect to one another.

It seems I was traveling. Why, or how is completely unknown. The first place I was in was Ireland. There were rolling green hills. A lot of sheep. I met a woman there who I fell in love with, and she had this beautiful accent. I think I mostly loved her accent.

Then I was in some South American country. We were about to eat suckling pig, which I find impossibly disgusting. These little baby pig carcasses, some of them halved and some whole were being laid on super long grills and into a long trench fire-pit. In my dream I didn't have my usual reaction to it (omg, pigs are smarter than dogs and these are BABIES) but it was all just tasty meat to me. There was some guy there who was showing me how to lay the halved faces on the grill. I mean ew, when I woke up and rethought about it.

So. Apparently I want to travel? Idk.

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