Sunday, May 18, 2008

PART 2 -- Obama rally: Portland, Oregon 2008!


After the Decemberists jazzed us up with their inspiring but strange music (that's how I like it!) we were pepped up by a girl about the same age as me. She was not Obama, so I didn't take any pictures of her. Then a senator in support of Obama stood up and talked for a little while. He was a senator, so I took A picture of him...but meh. THEN OBAMA HIT THE STAGE!!

Here he is with Michelle Obama and his two girls. Don't they look like a beautiful family? Please forgive my camera but it doesn't have a telaphoto zoom. As it is we were lucky to be as close as we were!

This is him, giving his awesome speech. Oh Obama! You set us all on fire! We cheered! We booed when appropriate! It was a thrilling speech. Healthcare! Environment! Tuition! Education! War! Inflation! Alternative Energy! He also mentioned Bush's recent comparision between those who seek to negotiate with middle eastern nations and those who wished to negotiate with Hitler. Oh, there were many boos. He is not interested in being forced into false dichotomies like "friend of hilter" or "patriot/war mongerer" and he is a smart man and can recognize that. Good smart Obama.

...More images from his speech. He wants you! He touches his nose! He spreads his hand upon the masses! GO FORTH OBAMA NATION! WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD!

Unfortunately all things must come to an end. So Obama said goodbye, and we waved and cheered until we couldn't see him anymore. This is just what it was like

If you can't read that, click on it, it might get better. Origional picture is of course higher resolution. Obama says: Bye bye Portland, I'm gonna go become President now! and the cheering, enthusiastic crowds says: Rock on!

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