Sunday, May 18, 2008

PART 1 -- Obama rally: Portland, Oregon 2008!

PART I: the line, the crush, the decemberists


Here's a step by step photo journey.

This is documenting the very beginning of our journey - right after we left the driveway, Obama stickers on the dash!

This was the line in front of us, looking toward the waterfront. We were within three blocks of the front of the line - a reward for being there before 9:30! The line behind us was unfathomably long...imagine how long the line would have to be to fit all the people who eventually fill the waterfront park!! Ridiculously long is the answer.

Once we got in line there were a lot of people wearing very cool shirts. I loved this one, advertising Obama's book which recently came out. My camera focused on it perfectly. <3

The Secret Service, well before the rally started headed toward who knows what secret servicey thing. There was excellent security on premises, we went through metal detectors and there were police and police boats and military types about, but not oppressively.

This is the view of the waterfront park, once we reached our final position close to the stage, looking away from the stage. Yeah. This is just the start of something beautiful.

The DECEMBERISTS played to warm us up. No joke, I was listening to them while I was in the line, waiting. I had NO IDEA they were going to play before Obama hit the stage...I love The Decemberists! Dad got some audio recordings of them but I didn't think to do that. All I could think about was how awesome the music was, and how much my feet hurt. XP

Here they are, playing away. This is my camera at maximum zoom, trying its hardest. At the time I think they were playing Crane Wife. I <3 you Decemberists! You made me forget how hot it was getting, and how much my feet hurt.

This is the explosive size of the rally in all its glory. Wow. Portland really does love Obama!

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